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Learning Multiple New Technologies at the Same Time

·354 words·2 mins·

Intro #

Learning multiple new technologies may prove to be a challenge. Recently for a new project that I have been assigned to I was in a situation where I had to learn multiple new “tricks” in a short time.

The good thing was the Business was on the same page - without first building sufficient knowledge - we could not deliver what they wanted. This is my most important advice - if you or your team are required to do some project involving tech you have no working experience with - discuss it with the stakeholder and clearly state that you will need time to get accounted with tech and plan for it. During that time it is not expected to start with the actual work - “shield” the people from the BAU stuff and let them focus on learning.

How it went in practice>

How it went in practice #

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We planned for it in December and people were given the last three weeks of December and the first two of January next year to get familiar with the new tech. To be honest that was not the best time as most people were on vacation and while some took the initiative to learn during the days off - it is best not to “steal” from the personal time of the people and have working hours dedicated to studying.

The result was that people focused on the tech that they found most “attractive”(to be read as “the one which sounds best in my CV) and left the more boring stuff for last.

In practice that led to all people having gained knowledge in the same tech and most of the people lacking knowledge of the other, not-so-attractive tech such as k8s config files, helm charts, etc.

Lesson learned>

Lesson learned #

lessons learned image
Warning! Always dedicate some time to purely learning the new tech!

  • Assign tech to specific people.
  • Have regular meetings to discuss what everybody has learned, and what they plan to learn next.
  • Make everyone do a quick presentation / Miro board / KT session to present what they have learned.